Field Epidemiology in a Changing World: Advancing Health amidst the Evolving Ecosystem and Technology
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A17: 2nd SAFETYNET Scientific Conference
We look forward to welcoming you all to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia for the 2nd SAFETYNET Scientific Conference in 2025.
A16: Best Long Oral Presentations
Congratulations to the presenters and co-authors of the following studies which were judged as the best long oral presentations during the 1st SAFETYNET Scientific Conference in Canberra. You may view pdf copies of the posters at Conference Resourse Page
1st place: Eradicating polio: Leaving no stone unturned – Johor Bahru, Malaysia, 2022 presented by Dr. Jeyanthini Sathasivam (Malaysia EIP).
2nd place: A Large Gastrointestinal Outbreak of Rotavirus Genotype G3P[8] in a Secondary School – Pathun Thani Province, Thailand, 2022 presented by Dr. Siriyakorn Thanasitthichai (Thailand FETP).
3rd place: Knowledge, attitude, practices of face mask usage among the residents of Kannur District, Kerala, India, 2021-22 presented by Dr. Sachin Kuthirummal Chirammal (India FETP).
A15: Best Short Oral Presentations
Congratulations to the presenters and co-authors of the following studies which were judged as the best short oral presentations during the 1st SAFETYNET Scientific Conference in Canberra You may view pdf copies of the posters at Conference Resourse Page
1st place: Using Intermittent Enhanced Surveillance to Better Understand Varicella-Zoster Virus Epidemiology - Queensland, 2010-2021 presented by Mr. Ashish Shrestha (Australian FETP)
2nd place:
Food Poisoning from Consumption of Wild Mushroom in Manang District, Gandaki Province, Nepal: A Case Series presented by Mr. Baburam Acharya (Nepal FETP)
Illegal Fireworks, hospitalization, and amputation: National Fireworks-Related Injury Sentinel Surveillance during the Yuletide Season - Philippines, 2022 presented by Dr. Ian Christian Gonzales (Philippine FETP)
Pertussis Outbreak Investigation - Transmission in Parihasi village, Madhya Pradesh, September 2022 presented by Dr. Vinay Kaushik (WHO India Applied Epidemiology Programme)
3rd place:
Cholera case associated with "Raw Fish" consumption in a Highly Urbanized City in Northern Luzon, Philippines, 2022 presented by Ms. Glena Pulon (Northern Luzon Intermediate FETP, Philippines)
Evaluation of the SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance system - Taiwan, 2020-2022 presented by Dr. Pei-Jiuan Chao (Taiwan FETP)
A14: Best Scientific Poster Presentations
Congratulations to the presenters and co-authors of the following poster presentations which were judged as the best poster presentations during the 1st SAFETYNET Scientific Conference in Canberra. You may view pdf copies of the posters at Conference Resourse Page
1st place: A source hunting investigation in One Health approach on Nipah Outbreak in the Northern Region of Bangladesh: The first survivor case in 2023 presented by Dr. Abir Shaqran Mahmood (Bangladesh FETP)
2nd place: Investigations into a COVID-19 Cluster involving the Basement of a Hospital in Singapore, 2021 presented by Dr. Santhya M (Singapore FETP)
3rd place:
Six Events, A Caterer and a Norovirus Outbreak – Canberra, November 2022 presented by Dr. Alison Chew (Australian FETP)
Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme to Integrated Health Information Platform: A look through Measles Surveillance presented by Dr. Anurag Dhoundiyal (India EIS)
Outbreak Investigation of Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus faecium in a City Hospital – Shizuoka, Japan, 2022 presented by Dr. Maki Masutami (Japan FETP)
A13 Photo Contest Winner
Congratulations to Dr. Ian Christian Gonzales from the Philippines for winning the Photo Contest. The photo he submitted was judged as the photo, which best captured the nature of field epidemiology work.
Water sample collection from a hand pump for laboratory testing during a cholera outbreak investigation, San Carlos City, Philippines, 23 March 2023, by a senior FETP Fellow (left, holding the bottle), sanitary inspector (center), and junior FETP Fellow (right, operating the pump).
A12 Conference Evaluation
Thank you for attending the 1st SAFETYNET Scientific Conference. Kindly fill up the online conference evaluation form (Form) anytime from Friday (September 15) to Friday (September 22). We value your feedback. This will help us improve the conduct of future SAFETYNET Scientific Conferences.
A11: Final Voting for the photo Contest
Conference attendees may vote for ONE of the five finalist photos displayed in the lobby at the Kambri foyer from 8:00-10:45 am on Friday (September 15). Click on the QR code to vote.
A10: International Night
The International Night dinner and program will be held at the Village Centre, National Arboretum on Thursday (September 14). Short performances (≤ 4 minutes) from countries, institutions or groups are welcome. If your team is interested in presenting, kindly notify Dr. Syed Hassan or Ms. Ismeet Kaur at There will also be a “Fashion Walk” during which 2-3 attendees from a country will parade and show their costumes. Prizes will be given for winning performance/s and costumes. Come and join us for this fun night and get to know your peers from other countries or institutions better
Note: Buses will take participants from Kambri to the Arboretum. All are instructed to assemble at the Foyer, Kambri Cultural Centre @ 5 PM. ANU MAE staff will guide all to the pickup point. At the end of the program, buses will take participants from the Arboretum to the Crowne Plaza Hotel (drop-off point).
A9: Photo Contest
Attendees may view the 20 finalist photos at the foyer of the Kambri Cultural Centre. You may vote for the photo you believe best captures the spirit and purpose of field epidemiology at this link
Only on-site conference attendees may vote (one person, one vote). Voting will end at 3:00 pm on Thursday, September 14. The winning photo will be announced during the closing ceremony on Friday, September 15.
A8: Welcome Ceremony
Our host, the Australian FETP (MAE), has organized a traditional welcome to country ceremony for conference attendees. Conference attendees are advised to assemble at the foyer of the Kambri Cultural Centre from 8:00-8:20 a.m. on Tuesday (September 12). NCEPH-MAE staff and students will escort the group to the Amphitheatre where the ceremony will take place and escort the group back to Kambri after the ceremony.
A7: Reminders for Poster Presenters
Kindly submit your posters to the conference secretariat at Level 1M, Kambri Cultural Center before 10:00 AM on Tuesday (September 12). All poster presenters should be beside their respective posters from 1:30-3:00 pm on
Tuesday (September 11) to answer questions from the audience..
A6: SAFETYNET FETP Directors’ Meeting
The SAFETYNET FETP Directors’ Meeting will be held at the Drama Theatre, Kambri Cultural Center from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. Lunch will be served for meeting attendees from 1:00-2:00 pm.
A5: Interactive Learning Sessions
All Interactive Learning Sessions on Monday (September 11) will be held at the Marie Reay Teaching Centre at 155 University Avenue, ANU. Session facilitators and participants may avail of snacks & drinks from 10:30-
11:30 am and 3:00-3:30 pm and lunch from 12:30-1:30 pm at the 5th level of the Marie Reay Teaching Centre. Those attending sessions at the 4th level should go up to the 5th level for their meals.
A4: Conference Registration Desk
The conference registration desk at the foyer of the Kambri Cultural Centre will be open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Monday (September 11) and Tuesday (September 12). All conference attendees are required to register at this desk to obtain their ID badges and conference bags. Those who opt to pay their registration fees on-site may do so at this desk. On-site registration will also be available for those who did not pre-register online.
A3: Conference Book
The Conference Book is now available and downloadable at this site.
A2: Conference Agenda and Schedule
Check out this interactive Ex-Ordo link to plan your daily schedule for the SAFETYNET conference.
A1: How to Conference Guide
We look forward to welcoming you all to Canberra for the 1st SAFETYNET Conference!
Check out this practical guide for first-time conference attendees which is also a good refresher for more seasoned conference participants.