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2nd SAFETYNET Scientific Conference

22 to 26 September 2025

Intercontinental Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

SAFETYNET is proud to partner with the Malaysia Epidemic Intelligence Program (EIP) to host the 2nd SAFETYNET Scientific Conference from 22-26 September 2025 at the Intercontinental Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. The conference theme is "Field Epidemiology in a Changing World: Advancing Health amidst the Evolving Ecosystem and Technology".​


This conference provides opportunities for trainees and graduates of field epidemiology training programs (FETPs) in the Asia Pacific region to present their work before an international audience of public health practitioners through oral and poster presentations. In addition, this SAFETYNET conference aims to provide participants with the latest information on emerging evidence and understandings of the co-evolving nature of human-disease-ecology-technology dynamics as well as field epidemiology methods through plenary sessions,  and pre-conference workshops or interactive learning sessions.​


The networking opportunities offered by this conference are invaluable in efforts to increase regional One Health collaboration and build the capacity of health systems in all countries and territories in the Asia Pacific region.

Message from Organizers


Dr. Maria Consorcia Lim-Quizon

Executive Director

Coming out of the pandemic in 2023, we met during the 1st SAFETYNET Scientific Conference in Australia to share experiences and lessons learned, in an effort to fill in the gaps and prepare ourselves for the future in a world that the pandemic drastically changed.


It is indeed very challenging. Just as we are getting to understand, prevent and control a pathogen, another one comes up. Just as we have come up with interventions for an emergency concern, another complication arises. Just as when we think we have everybody on board, and looking at the same target, the political situations alter, the economic environment sways, and we find ourselves back to square one, in a babel of tongues.


We try to weather every rock. We are not helpless. We are armed with science and technology, both of which are evolving at breakneck speed. We are trying our level best to be at pace with these changes to better respond earlier and more appropriately in this business of saving lives.  Hence the theme for the 2nd SAFETYNET Scientific Conference: Field Epidemiology in a Changing World – advancing health amidst the evolving ecosystem and technology. Because we want to keep abreast, we want to know how others fared, we want to continue to learn from each other’s successes and failures. But most of all, we want to remain as one and draw on our strengths to secure our region, our future.


Welcome to the conference and here is to a productive meeting of minds and hearts!


Dr. Harishah Talib

Director of Epidemic Intelligence Programme (EIP Malaysia)/

Co-chair for 2nd SAFETYNET Scientific Conference

Distinguished guests, esteemed colleagues, and participants,


On behalf of the South Asia Field Epidemiology and Technology Network (SAFETYNET) and the Epidemic Intelligence Program (EIP Malaysia), it is with great honor and excitement that I welcome you to the 2nd SAFETYNET Scientific Conference here in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


We are thrilled to host you in this vibrant and dynamic city, known for its rich cultural diversity and commitment to advancing public health. Kuala Lumpur provides an ideal setting for this gathering, offering a perfect blend of tradition and innovation, which mirrors the objectives of this conference.

This conference serves as a significant platform to bring together experts, researchers, and practitioners from various disciplines to exchange knowledge, ideas, and innovations in the field of public health and epidemic intelligence. The challenges we face in safeguarding global and regional health require collaborative efforts, evidence-based strategies, and cutting-edge solutions, and this event is a step forward in achieving these goals.


This year’s theme, Field Epidemiology in a Changing World: Advancing Health amidst the Evolving Ecosystem and Technology, reflects our shared commitment to addressing critical issues and advancing our understanding to protect communities and improve health systems. Through insightful keynotes, engaging presentations, and collaborative discussions, we hope to inspire meaningful connections and actions that will make a lasting impact.


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all speakers, participants, and organizers who have made this event possible. Your contributions are the foundation of this conference’s success.

Let us make the most of this opportunity to share our expertise, learn from one another, and foster a network of collaborations that will strengthen our collective efforts in field epidemiology and public health safety.


Once again, welcome to the 2nd SAFETYNET Scientific Conference, and a special welcome to Kuala Lumpur. Together, let us work toward a safer, healthier future for all.

Warm regards,

Call for Abstracts

Abstracts from current trainees and recent graduates (those who graduated or completed their training after January 2023) of applied or field epidemiology training programs (FETPs) of any tier (frontline, intermediate, advanced) in the Southeast Asia and Western Pacific regions may be submitted online at from December 15, 2024 to February 15, 2025.

Call for Interactive Learning Sessions (ILS) Proposals

We are inviting partners to sponsor and conduct Interactive Learning Sessions (ILS) or workshops on September 22 (Monday) prior to the conference proper. You are invited to send an Expression of Interest (EOI) Form to the conference scientific committee with the detailed information in the attached file.​Deadline for submission will be on February 28, 2025.


Conference Organizers

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